CNA Classes Online - How Much Does It Cost?

“Find out the cost of taking 

cna classes online


The advantage of taking CNA classes online is the  flexibility in schedule and in the way the course is structured. What this means is that you can sign up for fewer courses if you are low on funds.

Locating the right course to take CNA classes online involves patience and research. Please bear in mind a lot of effort and investment will be made on your part so it is worthwhile taking your time to ascertain beforehand everything you need such as required courses, location of a community college near you, lab and clinical fees or if you need any textbook. Please remember you are taking cna classes online only to be licensed as a nursing aid at the moment. Do not get attracted to programs offering bachelors or master’s degrees or diplomas as registered nurses. These programs require a lot of funds which you probably do not need to pursue your goals.

      The costs for taking this class vary by location. A 165 hour course costs about $500 in Durham, North Carolina. A 120 hour course in Madison will cost you $377, Wisconsin. Please bear in mind the lab and clinical fees are generally not included. Neither is registration or testing fess or the cost of any textbook. Please read the course curriculum just like you would a contract. In addition a criminal record check and background verification will also cost more money. One can only assume the community colleges in the respective states adhere closely to the guidelines provided by the state registries. That would explain the difference in length and fees for the same course content.

      Students of state approved Certified Nursing Assistant program take all the required courses that hone them with rudimentary nursing methods to assist a registered nurse. The program will cover tasks such as taking temperature, recording blood pressure, patient care, body dynamics, safety procedure, a CNA's rights, disease control and interpreting documents. CNA's are also taught to take care of geriatric and Alzheimer's patients. The process of digging up data can be too overwhelming. In that case you are better off contacting the local Red Cross chapter in your area for charting out the course for you. Red Cross has been training nurses for over a century and guided CNA's a little over 2 decades. You will be automatically offered a CNA contract the moment you show your Red Cross credentials. Unfortunately, the Red Cross has not yet started offering cna classes online.  You may require funds up to $2000 in some states for Red Cross CNA training. But it does save you a lot of legwork. Training for a few weeks with a Red Cross nurse will provide you the quality education that will literally translate textbook theories into real-life situations.

But on the brighter side certain nurse delegation courses can be completed by self study which is the same thing as completing cna classes online. The fees are directly paid by the hospital or nursing home you work for, to the course provider.

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